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CloudQuant News

Blog Press

Conversations: Effects of Alternative Data Sets on Trading Algorithms

What effect can alternative data sets have on trading algorithms? We asked a few of our teammates and systematic traders...
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Roles Played by Bayesian Networks in Machine Learning

Roles Played by Bayesian Networks in Machine Learning

Bayesian Network is a probabilistic graphical model which comprises variables and its relationships. It uses Bayesian inference and learning to develop the algorithm.
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AI & Machine Learning News. 03, September 2018
Industry News

AI & Machine Learning News. 03, September 2018

Baidu launches a simple AI training platform, simplification is the future, our new offering Cloudquant.AI will make it easier than ever for Data Scientists and Traders to identify/create profitable indicators and utilize or share them for profit. Detecting DeepFake to Thanos to Everyone Can Dance, how AI and ML are making it difficult to believe your eyes. Predicting Popularity of The New York Times Comments with effective use of a python sentiment library. Hardware Stocks to Outperform the Market, can you do better on CloudQuant? Finally, how to approach speech recognition in languages with fewer native speakers, Facebooks method vs an individual Data Scientist.
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